beach view of SeaCase Urn

SeaCase® Urns.

SeaCase ® Registered in U.S.Patent and Trademark Office
SeaCase® Urns, Inc.
12027 117th Street
Largo,FL 33778
727 204-2470
Information provided on this website is to assist with proper legal dispersal of cremated human remains.  Laws and regulations may vary in your location.  Consult with local officials or your funeral director for specific detail in your location.

SeaCase Urn - Concepts

Ultimately the SeaCase ends up on the bottom.   Here, it contributes to future life in the big picture of things.  We think that is the harmony God intended.  Some might call that returning to Mother Earth.
Your SeaCase will contribute to the life of fishes, algae, sponges or even corals.  What a beautiful exit ceremony sentiment.
The ocean reef is a thing of beauty
A ship as she rests on the bottom, decaying
The name is SeaCase because it encases the ashes and was made for the ocean. We are a company devoted to expanding burial at sea concepts and facilitating your memories of that moment.  We offer you a new and creative way to participate in building memories not only for yourself, but for all those who are with you on that special day. The SeaCase is unique in design and content as well as application.    On this page we explain in more detail what we are all about and how that might serve you.

 Our first design was introduced in September 2007 to a warm reception.  The beginnings of the concept was in the form of an answer to the deceased family's wished to have a ceremony at sea in a format that was not on the market.  They wanted something more than just pouring out the ashes on the water, for that is where Ken would want to be.    Being raised on the water, they could not imagine not being scattered anywhere else, but they could not find a "boat to burn"   Salt water in the blood is a strong thing, demanding the extra pursuit.  We too have been around the ocean most all of our lives.  Salt runs deep, so we undertook the request for a Viking style funeral, a burning, floating  pyre.  Anything for our Ken, no common pouring of ashes for him.

Today, we have created a deliberate design and tested it extensively. We are proud of our SeaCase and can assure that this product will provide you with a unique method to give your loved one a customized, final farewell.  Naturally it is a biodegradable product that actually contributes to the environment.   We also include a small memorial that remains on the bottom after the urn itself degrades. Now it is your turn to add your touch to this wood urn.  Oh, and did we mention that the new PPB casket is also ideal for pet cremation burials?  Wouldn't that be better than a cardboard box?

We know of no other mini-dinghy boat urn anywhere for use in ocean scattering ceremonies, certainly none with this degree of thought in design and use.  We have created a product we will be proud to use ourselves, and we are confident you will appreciate it as well.  We can't imagine a mariner funeral service anywhere that would not be richly enhanced with our little ocean scattering urn. 

We invite you to further investigate.

fireworks and ash scattering
Deep water beach launching

We soon found out that there was a lot to consider to pull this off in proper manner. Just how big does this need to be?  What materials are acceptable? So much more.  After a great deal of time, we came up with a simple design based upon a standard dinghy similar to one in service commonly in Kens day.  We made it of solid wood and wooden products.  No fiberglass or plastics.  This first one was a little crude, but would get the job done and provide that special touch not found anywhere else.

Best viewed in full screen. (found in the lower right of the screen when you press "play")

Presented here is a short video on the beginnings of SeaCase Urns to view if desired

...Or if you prefer to view a movie of the SeaCase in Action, Click here.