SeaCase ® Registered in U.S.Patent and Trademark Office
SeaCase® Urns, Inc.
12027 117th Street
Largo,FL 33778
727 204-2470
Information provided on this website is to assist with proper legal dispersal of cremated human remains. Laws and regulations may vary in your location. Consult with local officials or your funeral director for specific detail in your location.
The standard SeaCase Dinghy comes ready to use in your scattering ceremony on any body of water. The ashes chamber is self contained under the deck lid. Mounted upon the interior ballast will be a brass plaque with the deceased persons name, date of birth and day of passing. This small memorial will remain on the ocean bottom after all else is gone. The SeaCase can also be useful to display / carry flowers or personal items in your scattering service. This SeaCase is designed for the cremains of (1) average size person. Available with a sail option.
The standard SeaCase Urn Dory is designed for use with (2) persons ashes and comes ready to use in you sea scattering ceremony. The ashes chamber is self contained under the deck lid. Mounted upon the interior ballast will be a brass plaque with the deceased persons name , date of birth and day of death. This small memorial will remain on the ocean bottom after all else is gone. The SeaCase can also be useful to display / carry flowers or personal items in your scattering service. Available with a sail option. For use on any body of water.
We also make available a small version of the SeaCase constructed of solid woods . This is intended as a display or mantle piece. It is a small capacity urn for keeping the memory alive by way of reminder.
In a more conventional appearance, we offer a keepsake box made of oak with a enlarged finger joint construction. The rustic charm with proud tendons makes this unique to others offered in the marketplace. It also comes with an engraved brass plaque with the deceased persons name , date of birth and day of death. It will hold about 35 cubic inches of cremains. It will be finished natural with tung oil for a subtle glow.
SeaCase Urn
Finger Joint Display Urn
Presented here is the newest SeaCase Urn. This Green Burial Plain Pine Box Cremation Casket is just a simple wooden cremation ash container. The SeaCase PPB is shaped like the "Old West" full size caskets with removable lid and plain, unfinished sides and interior. At 16 x 6 x 5, it also fits within most cremation nitch walls. This Plain Pine Box cremation casket has a capacity of just over 200 ci. Current design for land ceremony or columbarium burial.
We offer lettering the transom with the name of the earthly vessel your dearly departed was venturing on last. The letters raised and are glue applied. The individual letters are made of a hard substance called PLA filament. Unlike ABS, PLA is a biodegradable material. PLA, also known as polylactic acid or polylactide, is a thermoplastic made from renewable resources such as corn starch, tapioca roots or sugar cane, unlike other industrial materials made primarily from petroleum. Thanks to its non-toxicity, PLA can also be used to 3D print objects that will be in contact with food. Standard colors: Black, White. Colors available
Sail Kit
A sail is available as an optional add on. Mast, boom, step and sail included in package. Sail is in the style of the traditional square riggers.